Electronic security system

Get Protection and No more Threats

As we are know that the crime rates are increasing day by day so most of the people are usually not feeling comfort until they provide a sure for their security either it may be at office or home.

This includes security operations like surveillance, access control, alarming or an intrusion control to a facility or an area. This leverages innovation in defensive holding by anticipating unapproved access to individuals and property.

The systems have profoundly welcomed, since it might be worked from a remote zone. And these systems are also utilized as access control systems, fire recognition and avoidance systems and attendance record systems.


Access System

Get protected from unauthorized entry. Give access to people you know and make them to enter through scanning. Most commonly used for employees and visitors for the rooms they have permission to enter. Visitors will be given temporary cards.

Asset Tracking

Track physical assets, by scanning the barcode labels that has been attached to a product or using tags using GPS that simulcast their location. Jack Enterprise provides a complete Asset Tracking solutions to its customers.

ANPR Solution

Completely a web-based software solution only for Vehicles to check with the Number Plates. This application allows the user to search the license plates also research the database of them simultaneously by using the portal from any devices.

Bell Timer

The bell timer is an adaptable one that works for various areas and are designed to support varied applications. Commonly used places are schools, factories, building automation, and for any devices that is programmed ON/OFF.

Burglar Alarm

Burglar Alarm has now become a trend and is widely used in many stores, business places, even they're now used in private houses. Turning out to be one of the best alarm systems in the modern era.

Digital Door Locks

This smart locking system comes under the home automation system. Without using keys manually we can open the door with the help of automatic identification and data capturing techniques (AIDC) such as biometric, RFID, password authentication and recognition.

Door Frame Metal Detector

Door Frame Metal Detectors works on the technology that detects the existence of metal nearby it. They are very much useful for finding out the hidden metal items. The sensor attached helps in finding the hidden metals.

Electric Fencing

Mainly used for security purposes to control trespassing, as it surrounded with high-voltage wires. Commonly used in securing major places like airports, prisons, defence areas, power stations, etc.

Electronic Article Surveillance

This Electronic Article Surveillance system helps you in the prevention of retail burglary. Someone can't leave the store with a thing that has a price tag or a label attached to it. EAS is helpful in stores and even in public buildings.

Fire Alarm

An automatic fire alarm system is designed to detect the unwanted presence of fire by monitoring environmental changes associated with combustion. In general, a fire alarm system is classified as either automatically actuated, manually actuated, or both.

Fire Extinguisher

Fire extinguishers are commonly seen in various places like malls, apartments, stores, multiplexes, etc. to protect/control from mini fires, basically an active fire protection instrument that will be placed in a reachable extent.

Guard Monitoring System

Jack enterprises provide you with the safety and security by providing Guard Monitoring System. Any company having a security system must have the knowledge of where the guards are and must ensure they are safe.

Gsm Communicator

GSM Communicator provides the best, simple but powerful solution to all your security needs. When the GSM Communicator gets prompted, it makes a call or drops a message to your mobile and ensures to make you alert.

Hotel Lock System

The system is designed to meet the needs of small-medium hotels in low operating costs. This system allows access control and system management. These type of systems usually offers you an easy single-click installation.

Intercom System

It is a two-way communication electronic device. The major purpose of the system is transmitting and receiving audio or video. Few varieties of intercom are listed below: Wireless, wired, two-way radios etc.

LPG Gas Detector

The Gas Leak Detector is designed for detecting and early warning of Gas leaks. This Microprocessor-based, wall-mounted device is specially designed for domestic application. The detector is provided with an inbuilt power supply.

Metal Detector

A metal detector is a device that will help you to find various types of metal that may be buried in dirt, sand, grass, or even in water. Among those detectors that can be used for searching and water, you will find them are waterproof, water-resistant, and those that are designed to be used completely underwater, often by a scuba diver.

Mobile Jammer

A mobile phone jammer is an instrument used to prevent cellular phones from receiving signals from base stations. When used, the jammer effectively disables cellular phones. These devices can be used in practically any location.

Money Counting Machine

Money Counting Machine counts either stack of banknotes or a loose collection of coins. These counters may be purely electronic or may use mechanical components. Counting machines typically provide a total count of money placed or count off a specific batch size. These type of machines are commonly used in the vending machine to determine the amount of money.

Mobile Booster

Mobile booster is a type of bidirectional amplifier used to improve mobile reception. These type of mobile boosting systems commonly consists of a donor antenna that receives and transmits signal from nearby tower.


Networking is the exchange of information and ideas among people and it often begins with a single point of common ground. This is used by professionals to expand their circles of acquaintances. Networking devices may include network bridges, routers, gateways, modems etc.

NFS Solutions

Network File System is a client or server application that lets a user view, store and update files on a remote computer. It allows the user to mount all or portion of a file system on a server.

Public Address System

Public Address System is an electronic system which increases the apparent volume of a human voice, musical instrument that is sufficiently audible at a distance or over a large area. These systems are often used in small public venues like School auditoriums, churches that requires an announcer, performer, etc.

Rfid Cards-Id Cards

RFID cards are the smart cards provided by ID tech solutions which can be used in different industries for identification as per the application. These ID cards work on radio frequency technology. These cards have an antenna and a chip that are used to read and store data.

Standalone Smoke Detector

The standalone smoke detector is a device which senses smoke, as an indicator fire. They are typically shaped like a disk or square. They can detect smoke by optically or by physical process.

Timer Attendance

Organizations of all sizes use time and attendance systems to record when employees start and stop work and the department where the work is performed. However, it's also common to track meals and breaks, the type of work performed, and the number of items produced.

Video Door Phone

Also known as a video intercom or door phone is a stand-alone system used to manage calls made at the entrance to a building with access controlled by audio-visual communication between the inside and outside.

Vehicle Tracking System

A vehicle tracking system combines the installation of an electronic device in a vehicle, or fleet of vehicles, with purpose-designed computer software at least at one operational base to enable the owner or the third party to track the vehicle's location, collecting data in the process from the field and deliver it to the base of operation.

Wireless Communication

Transmit the information from one end to the other, not by any means such as cables, wires or any material. They are cost-effective, flexible, more convenient, accessible, high speed when compared to wired.

Cctv Surveillance

Can record straight to a video tape recorder which are able to record analogue signals as pictures. If the analogue signals are recorded to tape, then the tape must run at a very slow speed in order to operate continuously.